Practice Updates Regarding Coronavirus

BASED ON RECOMMENDATIONS from the RCDSO (Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario) and the ODA (Ontario Dental Association), we’re temporarily changing the way our practice operates. We recommend that all of our patients check the Public Health’s website for information on the coronavirus and what we can do to slow the spread.

Temporary Changes to Our Schedule

The waiting room will not be open for everyone. Chairs will be spaced two metres apart. There will be no magazines, toys, or any other non-essential items in the office, as these are all difficult to disinfect. Please do not come early, and come closer to the time of your appointment. Patients will receive a text message the day of their appointment to remind them of their appointment time and to let them know to reply with “Here” when they arrive. For those who do not have a cell phone, they have been instructed to come into the office to let us know they are here, and then they will wait outside. Appointments will be spaced out to allow physical distancing between patients. It will also allow time for the office to be disinfected between each appointment. That might mean less flexibility for scheduling your appointment. We are limiting the number of people you bring to the appointment with you. There are exceptions for small children and people who require assistance. If a parent or caregiver is allowed, they will also be subject to all screening measures. We have been extremely busy trying to get our patients back on their regular schedules. We are currently back to our normal schedule and hours.


What has changed in the office?

Besides the new furniture in the waiting room, you will notice some changes. You will be asked to wear a mask or face covering while in the office except when you are being treated. The day before your appointment our team will ask you questions to see if you have any COVID-19 symptoms. When you arrive your temperature will be taken with a touchless thermometer.
Patients who have flu-like symptoms (fever, cough or difficulty breathing) or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 should stay home. Patients who are sick and have an upcoming dental appointment should call their dental office to report symptoms, reschedule or ask about other care options.
Our team will be wearing more protective gear than normal. This includes masks, face shields, and gowns.
We have gone “chartless”, which means that all of our information and notes will be in the computers instead of physical charts. This means that our team members may be updating your information and getting current cell phone numbers and emails.


We Are Strong When We Work Together

Right now, one of the best ways that we as healthcare professionals can help to slow the spread of coronavirus is to follow the guidance of these health organizations, and we encourage our patients to do the same. We will be sure to update you about additional changes at our practice. Where can I find current, credible information about COVID-19?
The ODA recommends checking in daily with the Ontario Ministry of Health’s website for the latest updates:

Other reliable sources include:

Public Health Ontario:
Public Health Agency of Canada:
World Health Organization:


How can I take care of my teeth before I can see my dentist?

Practicing good dental hygiene and following healthy lifestyle habits is more important than ever. Here are some tips:

  • Brush your teeth using the proper technique at least twice a day for two to three minutes each day.
  • Floss daily. It’s more effective than brushing alone, and helps to remove food debris and bacteria from places the toothbrush can’t reach.
  • Eat a healthy diet, rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D rich in omega-3 fats.
  • Quit or cutback on smoking.
  • If you’re consuming marijuana, do so in moderation. Marijuana smoke can cause oral cancer, dry mouth and staining, and THC can weaken your immune system.
  • Be mindful of stress. Regular exercise, mediation and deep breathing can help reduce the impact of stress on your mouth and immune system.
  • Snack in moderation, and swish with water after eating sugary snacks to help wash away sugar and acid.
  • Chew sugarless gum to help stimulate saliva flow and avoid dry mouth. That salivary stimulation helps protect your teeth from decay-causing bacteria.



We love all our patients! We can’t wait to see you again. 


The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.