During the comprehensive exam, our team records a detailed medical and dental history. They will identify any underlying medical conditions that may impact or affect a patient’s health and treatment plan or prognosis. The examination includes:
Oral Cancer Screening
During routine examinations, our dentists perform a thorough visual inspection to identify abnormal tissue in your mouth. The goal of our preventative oral cancer screening is to identify any pre-cancer or cancerous tissue at a very early stage. There are certain factors that can put you at higher risk (i.e. tobacco, heavy alcohol use and age) however, oral cancer can happen to anyone. It is not a disease of the elderly and is in fact now becoming more common in the younger population.
Digital X-Rays
X-rays are used for finding early signs of tooth decay, hard-to-find cavities and cavities that are just forming. Detecting early signs of decay is highly beneficial as it results in a less invasive and less costly treatment for the patients. Our office has modern digital x-rays that allow for better image quality while exposing patients to less radiation.
Periodontal (Gum) Examination
Gum disease is one of the main reasons for tooth loss, so it’s important to practice preventative gum care. Periodontal exams are used to examine bleeding points, pocket depth, recession, mobility and bone loss. The state of your bones and gum tissue is very important when determining treatment needs. We take the health of your bone tissues and gums very seriously.
Occlusal (Bite) Examination
All new patient exams include a bite examination. This will also be done if a patient is experiencing symptoms of an unstable bite. If any issues with your bite are identified, a number of options may be used to bring your teeth back into a harmonious relationship. Proper adjustments can often help get rid of headaches and other symptoms that typically arise due to improper biting patterns.
Dental Decay (Cavity) Exam
This exam allows for our dentists to determine if a patient has cavities or decay. During the exam our dentists do a visual examination of the teeth and use digital x-rays. This will help us determine if decay is present, what stage it is at and if treatment is needed.
Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction Examination
Signs of Temporo-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction include pain in the jaw joints or chewing muscles, radiating pain in the jaw, face, or neck, stiffness of the jaw muscle, locking or limited movement of the jaw, painful popping, grating or clicking of the jaw when you open or close your mouth and a change in the way the lower and upper teeth fit together. People may experience varying degrees of TMJ dysfunction throughout their lives and our clinic offers treatments that are designed to help ease the pain and symptoms that it may cause.